
From the header, fs2web is basically a script to,
# fs2web - make your filesystem accessible from the web
Not your everyday schnazzy directory indexing script. It generates directory listings on the fly. The idea is based on boa_indexer from the Boa webserver project (great lightweight webserver... I use it as a file server on my video playout server; see video stuff; not an intentional plug!). fs2web supports uploading of files to directories, as well as deleting files. Of course this can be disabled, and adding an IP/auth restriction is relatively simple assuming you can code a line or two in Perl.

fs2web was originally written to create a web interface for my audio and video collection. I had RealServer running on the same machine, and I wanted to automagically provide links to RTSPized URL's that would stream my MP3s, AVIs, MPEGs, etc. on-demand. This is the purpose of the stream link: to provide a link to a streaming version of the desired file.

TODO: complete boa_indexer compatibility

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© 2002-2004 Amir Malik. Redistribution is allowed and encouraged as long as the file is kept intact, and the original author's page and copyright remain.